[. . . ] [. . . ] This model's estimated yearly operating cost is: $30 when used with an electric water heater $22 when used with a natural gas water heater Based on four washloads a week and a 2004 U. S. Government national average cost of 8. 60¢ per kWh for electricity and 91. 0¢ per therm for natural gas. Your actual operating cost will vary depending on your local utility rates and your use of the product. Important: Removal of this label before consumer purchase violates the Federal Trade Commission's Appliance Labeling Rule (16 CFR Part 305). 8575901) Energy consumption / Consommation énergétique 349 kWh This model / Ce modèle per year / par année w 194 kWh 465 kWh Uses least energy / Consomme le moins d'énergie Similar models compared Model number Uses most energy / Consomme le plus d'énergie Modèles similaires comparés Numéro du modèle Built-In/Encastré Standard/Ordinaire 575-349 Removal of this label before first retail purchase is an offense (S. C. [. . . ] [. . . ]